from the humane society of the united states press release:
(May 14, 2008)—Colorado Governor Bill Ritter signed landmark legislation prohibiting two controversial factory farm confinement methods. Specifically, the new law will phase out gestation crates and veal crates—individual cages that confine breeding sows and veal calves.
- Nearly 150,000 breeding pigs are confined in gestation crates in Colorado. While the state has no current veal industry, its sizable dairy industry could potentially attract veal operations, and the veal crate provision was a preemptive measure.
· Gestation crates are barren, two-foot-wide individual metal cages so small, the animals cannot even turn around. Veal crates are narrow wooden stalls that prevent calves from turning around or lying down comfortably. The calves are typically chained by their necks and suffer immensely.
· Colorado is now the first state in the country to ban the use of gestation crates and veal crates by action of a state legislature.Florida, Arizona and Oregon have prohibited gestation crates. Arizona has prohibited veal crates. And a Californiameasure to prohibit veal crates, gestation crates and battery cages recently qualified for November’s ballot.
- Smithfield Foods, the largest U.S. pig producer, is phasing out gestation crates, and the American Veal Association voted to urge the entire veal industry to phase out veal crates. Colorado-based chain Chipotle already refuses to buy any pork from producers that use gestation crates. Chains such as Safeway, Burger King, Carl’s Jr. and Hardees have also implemented policies to reduce their reliance on gestation crate pork.
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